Office of the Vice Dean
Tyler School of Art
Temple University
210G Tyler Hall
m e m o r a n d u m
Date: May 6, 2009
To: Tyler Chairs, Area Heads, Graduate Committee Members and all Second Year MFA Students
From: Hester Stinnett
Vice Dean and Graduate Program Director
Re: MFA Thesis Shows Spring 2010
During the spring 2010 semester the Temple Gallery will host 2 very important exhibitions. The semester will begin with the Philagrafika 2010 exhibition “The Graphic Unconscious” and at the end of the semester the Jack Wolgin International Competition in the Fine Arts will be on display. Unfortunately there is not enough time to hold our MFA thesis shows in the Temple Gallery during the spring semester. Please note that this is a one-time situation. We plan to return to scheduling the MFA shows in the Temple Gallery as a regular feature of our spring schedule.
We have been able to reserve the Ice Box at the Crane building from May 1-15 for a large MFA group exhibition. Today the graduate committee met and discussed several options regarding how to structure the MFA shows in this venue. In the fall Sheryl Conkelton will invite a faculty member and a student from each MFA studio area to participate in the planning of this group show with the exhibitions staff. We want to make this unique opportunity the best possible showcase for our students. All 2nd year MFA students will be invited to participate. As has always been the case individual MFA students may also seek off campus venues on their own for one-person shows. Individual areas will plan how they would like to handle the thesis review committees. The amount of work that students will be able to submit to the group exhibition will be limited; therefore committees may want to meet individually with students in advance of the group show for their reviews.
By May 29 please let Sheryl know what faculty member and MFA student from each studio area will attend the exhibition planning session in the fall.
Does anyone else believe this shit?
one time only! yea yea til next time...
This is f*cked. After all they put us through with the move and now this. If anyone thinks they want to go to Tyler for an MFA, if you got in somewhere else, go there. Because these a$$hats will F you over all they can.
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